Trainee Train Driver Jobs can sometimes be very scanty. You’ll Google, Bing, Yahoo and ask at your local station and still not find them. This week we alert you of some of the on going jobs to enter the railway operations. For the record there is more money in rail operations than customer servicing. This is usually due to their safety critical nature and hard to replace factor.

Looking to improvise on your application, then pay attention.

Below are the list of jobs:


Trainee Train Driver – London Midlands

This train driver trainee job is for their Bletchley Depot. Obviously, we know that you’ll read the job description before applying. However, it will not hurt for us to reiterate that pay more attention to what they want. In this particular job advert, they have highlighted it with bullet points. Ensure you have examples to describe what they want. You can use the CAR or STAR acronym to do this.

A starting salary of £24600. Not bad for for a classroom training. That is taking notes and revising. Staring 8am and finishing at three-ish. Edit your CV to meet the demands of London midlands and Apply ASAP. Closing date 25/03/2016

Shunter – London Midlands

This depot driver is for the Tyseley Depot. Based on experience, I encourage you to apply for this job as well as the trainee driver job above, provided you meet the conditions.


Because I have observed so many people get into the driver grade with this tactic. This strategy is more of a personal psychology. Usually when applicants apply for both jobs they are invited for a series of psychometric tests and assessments. This allows them to prepare extensively and give them opportunity to familiarise themselves with current assessment centre instructions than normal. Job closes on 31/03/2015

Guard – South West Trains

This conductor trainee post is for the Woking Depot. Starting salary is £20000. After training it goes up to £30000. This may come with some added regional allowance. Top it up with an average overtime and you could be earning £36000 for the year. Good prospects of progressing to other areas of the railway industry.  Job closes on 31/03/2015


All the best of luck with you applications!

You can use the comments section below to ask any questions or contribute just in case we have missed something.


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