Driver Photo Memory Perception Test


You’ll get the following:

  • Learn to pass the Perception Test with ease so you can become a train driver
  • Get Enhanced Driver Scores with this training kit so you can apply to TOCs with high scoring standards
  • A good understanding of the perception  assessment process
  • Improve your observational overview and short-term memory. A vital skill for you well being 
  • Train your visual senses and your mind to see and process more information
  • Double your ability to recall flash images in 1 second with confidence over night
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How to Pass the Train Driver Perception Test


The Traffic Perception Psychometric Test is derived from the area of tachistoscopic psychology. And in the train driver test, has been specifically tailored for road traffic images. This test is a computer-based psychometric assessment. The computer will give you an alert sound and then show you, for instance, a photo of a car for a brief moment and then give you a list of options to select what you saw.  


Tachistoscopic Psychology is your ability to see an image, whether small or large, in a brief moment and recall exactly what you just saw.

Example 1:

Look at the following:                  2U 96 1


Take your eyes off it.

Now, how many numbers did you see?



perception test for train drivers


Photo Memory Perception Test at a glance:


Example 2:    What the looks like


Honestly, look at the photo below for only a second.

And put your palm to cover it.



traffic perception test, wafv, vigilance test, 2 hand coordinatio test, train driver test, TRP


Now from the following list choose your answer:

a) Pedestrian

b) Motor vehicle, Cyclist

c) Road signs

d) Traffic light


NB: Example 1 is not relevant to the actual test. Example 2 is identical to the actual test.



Designed precisely to train your mental traffic perception faculties so you can pass your train driver psychological assessment.

From this training kit, you will learn that road signs accompany most junction traffic lights. If you know this, it will help you greatly whenever you are choosing answers.

How we developed the TRAIN DRIVER PERCEPTION TEST Practice Software…..

…….And How It Will Help You Pass the selection test

Aptitude for traffic perception is one of the new train driver tests that only came into effect in October 2013.  

As always – as an applicant, the more relevant and better practice material you get concerning your upcoming test, the better. So the vacuum, hunger and the need for appropriate training software to make it easy for train driver applicants to pass arose.


We interviewed railway staff who had taken the assessments to satisfy this need. And also researched various sources. After developing this program, we gave it to another set of railway staff going for the test to practice. Their results were outstanding, with a 92.1% pass rate.


The Practice Material has two modes: a practice and a testing mode. The practice section allows you to change your answers if you feel that what you had initially picked was wrong. In the practice mode, you can review your answers and learn.

The test mode, on the other hand, does not permit you to review your answers. This has been designed purposely in such a way that you don’t learn the photos in this section. You mustn’t learn or review the answers to the photos in Tachistoscopic psychology. Our Perception Test Software knows this, which is why it displays photos randomly.


This NEW version comes with the feature to set the duration of images displayed on the screen. For example, you set the software to display images for 0.1 nanoseconds if you are that good or can set it to 2 minutes if you find 1 minute very challenging.


Train Driver Perception Test Practice Material is the most realistic and relevant training kit for your train driver test. It follows a similar structure to that of the assessment centre. That is, all photo images are based on road traffic.


The Practice Material displays a list of answers similar to the assessment.  It is as specified in example 2 above.


Traffic Perception Software is easy to install. And it gives you straightforward performance feedback – telling you whether you have passed at the end of each section.


What You’ll Gain Out Of the Traffic Perception Software:

  • Learn to pass the assessment day with ease
  • Dramatically Improve your scores to Enhanced Grades by practising and testing yourself
  • A good understanding of the perception assessment process
  • Improve your observational overview
  • Train your visual senses and your mind to see and process more information
  • Develop your memory to recall flash images in 1 second with confidence


Minimum system requirements:

Windows 8, 10 or Mac OS. Make sure you select which operating system you want and the delivery format, i.e. CD/DVD, Download and USB


Do You want to Pass your train driver adaptive tachistoscopic traffic perception test?


Research shows you can improve your perception ability to a higher level with our adaptive tachistoscopic traffic perception training material. 

Your eyes are muscles, so the more you train them, the better your visual capacity becomes. The amount of time spent training has its benefits.

For example, you’ll find out that as the days and the weeks pass, you will reach a higher level/get better than before/be able to see pics in 1 second and identify what you see without guessing.

Just think…when that Practice Material CD lands on your doorstep, you can start using it to prepare yourself so you can pass.

And once you start training with this traffic Test Practice Material, your ability to pass this test will increase significantly.


 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed!

But, if you’re not satisfied for some reason, just return it within 15 days, and we’ll issue you a refund. This guarantee applies to CD orders only.

No hassles.  No questions asked.  

Think about it: 15 days is plenty of time to test this program.


Order your TEST TRAINING CD Now & We’ll aim to deliver Your CD within 1 to 2 days. 

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg
Dimensions 19 × 15 × 2 cm
Operating System

Windows, Mac

Delivery Format

Download, CD/DVD, USB