Dynamic Visual Search Awareness And Comparison Test


This product is for anyone:

  • who wants to become a train driver, a signaller, a controller
  • who has an interest in getting a job in the railway industry
  • seeking to improve their cognitive skills such as attention, visual and observational skills
  • wanting to improve their reaction time in a calm and poise manner during urgency or an unexpected situation.


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Dynamic Visual Search and Awareness Test for Train Drivers, Signallers and Controllers

Visual Search and comparison is one of the latest exercises for train driver applicants, signallers and controllers. You will need to pass this test in order to be accepted on the train driving course.


The dynamic visual awareness and matching exercise comes in three parts. It mainly aims to assess various cognitive functions needed for driving. In the visual search test, your error-finding, matching, attention skills and reaction times are assessed.


Train Drivers need to pay attention to what is happening on their dashboards. Signallers and Controllers need to observe their screens and make decisions. These are some of the real-world applications that the assessments seek to emulate.

Part 1 of the Visual Search Test

You are presented with a dot moving on a track. Your job is to react whenever there is a fault. So will have to utilise your observation and attention skills effectively, as well as reacting accurately and on time.

Part 2 of the Visual Search Test


You are presented with columns of matching images and non-matching images on a dashboard. Your task is to indicate if there is a fault or not on the given images.

Part 3 of the Visual Search Test


This part of the exercise combines both part 1 and 2. You will be required to perform them simultaneously.

Why Most Candidates Fail And How You Can Avoid Failing


The number of candidates failing this psychological assessment is really, really … ALARMING! I have personally observed many pass the other selection tests, only to be ELIMINATED by this test from the process. Let us look at some of the main reasons behind these failures:


  • Lack of adequate practice. Many candidates spend too much of their precious time reading and researching about the test on the web. Some even dread about taking the test. This comes at the expense of the time they could have used to practice and take their skill base to the next level required to pass. Of course, you need to be well informed about your upcoming assessment but make sure you have spent ample time practising. 


  • Poor Attention and Visual Skills. “Research indicates that we can improve our visual orientation and observation through practice”. Olson et al 2005.


  • Not following instructions. Or simply, because they don’t understand the instructions given. Every game has its rules. There are different rules for football and rules for rugby. To do well in any of these sports, you will have to acquaint yourself with the rules and any dynamic changes to the rules. Same thing – If the instructions at the assessment centre are ambiguous or are altered dynamically you will need to clarify or ask them to reiterate the rules.


  • Using the wrong materials for practice. It is of great importance to practice with relevant materials. Running is a core skill needed for football and rugby. But if you got an upcoming football match; you don’t do rugby training, you do football training. In the same way, Concentration is a core element in all the selection tests, so if you have an upcoming visual search test – you will need to practice with a visual search material.

Dynamic Visual Search Test As A Software Training Tool


Our vision at Trainee Train Drive Info has always been to create software training tools and systems that will help you pass your psychometric tests at the Assessment Centre, for the first time. One so practical that you find the actual assessment easy. Dynamic Visual Search Software has been intelligently designed with a lot of data and research so that you can train your vision, observatory and reaction time above the required standards. With Dynamic Visual Search Test, your desire to practice with relevant material for this test becomes a reality on your laptop or personal computer.

User-Friendly Screen Setup

It begins with the screen and how you want to see the tests. You can set up the software to display the tests according to your preference or screen size. Thereby setting the conditions for your eyes to see well.

Dynamic Visual Search Training Software employs an innovative technology based on the settings you choose to work with your computer and give you a fine display. In the event that that you select a setting large than the size of your screen, all you do is press Ctrl + Esc on your keyboard.

Desktop Icon

During installation, you will get a checkbox to allow you to create a short cut on your desktop.  Instead of browsing through various files, double-click on your desktop will swiftly load the software and save you more time for more practise and testing sessions.

Real-Time Feedback


In part 2 of the test training, you are given instant feedback on your accuracy and reactions until the end of the test. This also happens in part 3 of your training. This will allow you to adjust your response accordingly while keeping your cool, even when the latest feed was not your best.

Simple On-Screen Instructions

Before you take each test, straight forward instructions will be displayed telling you what you have to do. Once you have understood these instructions you may begin the test. No pressure, as you are allowed to take time to digest this information before making the next step.

Comprehensive Grading

More information on your performance is given. After a test training session you will be presented with information on how many you got correct; how many wrong moves you made; and a grade so you can reflect and improve on your performance.

Some of the questions people frequently ask us.


I have been invited for the visual search test, can you help?


WELL DONE. Don’t waist you precious time deliberating whether to get this Dynamic Visual Detection software. Your indecisiveness may be a stumbling block to achieving your goal of passing this test. Get your copy Now and start practising as Your assessment day is fast approaching!


I have not been invited yet, I am not sure if I should get it now.


Getting the Visual Search now will give you the opportunity to develop the skill sets required well ahead before your invitation. In this case, you will not have to acquire the skills required to pass under pressure.  You develop the skills at your own pace. Therefore learn from the software now so it may be useful later.

If you have any question about this product email: support@traineetraindriverinfo.com

Get your copy now and start building your VISUAL SEARCH SKILLS and ABILITY*

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Operating System

Mac, Windows

Delivery Format

CD / DVD, Download, USB