
Stage 2 Train Driver Tests (Mac Download)

Original price was: £125.97.Current price is: £107.07.

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Vigilance And Reaction Test Mac Download

In the WAFV Test, a grey box will be shown to you. Your task is to react in good time every time it turns or switch to black. The maximum duration of this test is  about 30mins. Train Driver Vigilance Test Training System has been designed to help you increase and sharpen your vigilance and reaction skills. An awesome and user friendly software that brings you closest to the real Test. This practice material has two modes: Training and Testing. The training mode allows you to train with auditory while the Testing mode does not. So you can enhance every aspect of your sustained attention. This Trainee Train Driver Vigilance Training System is highly recommended for aspiring trainee train drivers. This program will prepare you fully so you can pass the vigilance test.

Original price was: £41.99.Current price is: £35.69.

Hand Coordination Test: mac version download

2 Hand Coordination is a software application training for synchronizing both hands. And this training system has been designed to help you improve the way you use your eyes and hands to control a given ball on a track. In this system you have 7 levels of difficulty you will have to unlock. With  level 1 being the easiest and then the level of  difficulty increasing through to level 7, you'll learn how to harmonize your hand movements. This system will help you to master the skill of using both hands to move a ball on a track and train your eye movements as well.  A highly recommended practical training application for the new train driver test. It is a fast, easy, and interactive way to practise for the 2 Hand Coordination Test.

Original price was: £41.99.Current price is: £35.69.

Perception Test: Mac Download

Designed to prepare you to pass the new train driver perception test.

Traffic Perception Test is a computerised test used in assessing the speed and capacity of identifying defined elements in a given photo. In this train driver assessment, a photo will be displayed to you for 1 second and then after you'll be asked to select what you saw from a list of options.


Here are some of the results you will gain:

  • Sharpen and TRIPPLE YOUR visual perception skills with this technology
  • Avoid border-line pass and Enhance your Grade with this SYSTEM - so you can apply to all TOCs with confidence.
  • Improve your short-term memory and process images faster than most applicants - so you get selected for the next stage.
  • Enables you to use your eyes more effectively
Original price was: £41.99.Current price is: £35.69.


This unbeatable package brings the whole train driver tests to your Mac. The opportunity to familiarise yourself the train driver tests and practise to the standard requirements for passing. You’re guaranteed to pass.

Additional information

Perception Test: Mac Download

Operating System

Mac, Windows

Delivery Format

CD/DVD, Download, USB